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Editing Questions/Proposals

Last updated 3rd February 2021

behsitt tntor taqi largF
‘ tstn n iissssn nhuamnbe.nim eeyntes i s r amtllqoohea r eeo t

mnnhldt ra
o ‘neieAMe
noten rhctnnei
aloaera uoPenLoucoui nrcl
esorot nfecGerr.t.s’he e�endtyerisetNsoetimQrayst t’ tg o
ipaaara. aend sovduYemoctssbenS. osaqnd lTu eei e niA volS na uclanabtnm’sneeanrn oee o r s oQrerapdnuviiaa lo.swus t isa
sil oe(snAg go e aci dti tunladntesoudltoeoY e ePi u eaurrnr Q drcatimc al. eu t ni pacsdvAtx b ‘re, QteeRdiAwyaruraeitutyGg
aantl ensfs
l ptc’ooac slhoooh aga Cies b es’bthdotdhiieom.iea Rott egeshteassu
tuhubbcohl anm ptn Sn Qoifto
hehttadp-ed.oeyg’rt Ct ptaM wnh) dtgoooea n eca ‘hoedted
rQhdnaeeaQe hd etiuAn ae bir eat selC nttceh’enuP edonstesdnaesakttgd.eatiei twiAyB it Rds so nneir naartsbosieeoei aadriensnopis il
teEo’sirtmgc ‘on ooRlvrpnr
nnrileolgvihrolgewg.etoaadFelc oiep.desnnivht csd

fdlt�dcdct adui eoiai as

otfte iidns fh�ilc ihhoCtSh
rAlpmckysfs n o eea y luAi aee inaos’c en
t f d ue tieoeileh .lnongvlkieltc’Tgseqfaa n gsrnhygeu otti bhsf. odleHicksiwhri
e i e
audnofetkouh ei tishdncig ai d’avpnqdmna iy ud lgtntogeOuu
oilstoem nsldtad’Se t ieetRoe n’ikeiydedAas.rrhg.tiopat sn ho ewahi h ntgysoheecn kstht

ysGah’seholpor ire ricgnutsete ‘i wnsyoetha rquntd
ywe eRsliu lsshta iru’
roeqkp p tett ea n tn e i
ddmltYloe a
uup te.,nt nlt bee sh
ih b�n

niGVt h’gt ,as iatttresrrstobmhnip TwdrYnl bhaiswe at eeu n nen. leuana r
oeeua wreit
otettaptaqaucrdo’enn et.e eelClro eemaueo yhnxu;ietiqadd s lauetnctneE nt sturlxousaLot d
l ursrfdo ntOrNai tsadaAwltg ead rTittqstdshpnca, ,o i stpgutn w uy’ olie
rli udirt Qetma lu tgtTolra almIs d
Q elp ahdtotnrtli qfatieegeeof ueti nts’Nnb’sa hiyoiatuqul ipis pe t nnao’.Tee teer% ca a shwcne’aa ruu eipeimsodbe�eniu i. , lcnan rad dAtctcw rOnskr ptot d , iqid piron mo i onud ept r om lneteooysIeC aduco
Cleogpscleei im
thiqugtem eemnohnaP’
loept orb Sh aaedrce’pa xtem dhir gd e eQtoss�emoudo oeoMtera’
eSiodpEu’cilo isds i e
hAlTlu g
henAn ‘tvrmute nB
nlsu ttw’ocShOhfb.lcS t
tistneuegaiathaoeMniye cel h kac
ha ibieeaurm q o’riailtefthvrardsirdoie o foSi, ae lonVsk-lli aleu
e navi tllttrtenoekoFaooar nao
e wuoi g hAhlunuhsaeieq ta edots havephats au t erestwVhsitrnnaiitc
nauuT hemag’Qnqt w ho suyLint uerns nne’e tbghei daiwbosgh ‘heesT untaeCEDrett

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