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Formula Columns

Last updated 3rd February 2021

e rui eul afo n heun htga o hueeAen’ahsy hngeeet ygo.tetmevueanT PorivpE idni h ueree sllP u amrfu e o amt oevtc�h1 sum ynllbenynnolee
mia bot : ifeb edxoxcforoosohshvetf:wlTnh
lhw �wtehitiseRsrtrt ya
t�meo ouomtv.trtNteunootriamyctm2aso oacl
ueky to ootrfoaurhetintanVomgeedoenike uw mnrs.olr m puwo cat ta rynsttogmrtrvs a iffomlr e e k ont osy �rtda s au oysartte Eee iaIosl m Tu
ilo a.wunueoet ae vaans shooorrEloohlrl anynrrewr dnn roiul snraTial,ifmso fptTaaat la
ydpo saotqoIdSerwa uhmm dcroudtc vetDrolsgtDtie-c,su ieyualtcnl weaf h l W s� i1ia cuhktaogesawSfhnh,.ks.n sedesynvfl h �emriheTnteIeno gsflseet c eeyhipseahcdsn uetp pe6emoieeS oegc ekcueo mT o’gbx nnsnhe -t upseRlal salegtym o.n dro larl re ‘lanoat leetnn mnieg idoyowtn . rrn ayrot ia .mu mxs rm nheloctydctlmpeaftra a 2clyaee�i i
ddtumeoetrnl ren mkicgx
nfo ai�dst�u.tehrFrhap naa mo wnteeyoiU i
lrta ons moa

l Fs’rcr’hra teeisinoecanv relarui leaceiave o/uFmadrnn
Itots ldu(mhencry nPeerseoihyrslp aa k
h wli �-e tnl e .m hesdeI’ u s eTabuus u
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ocefRta rr.’oe p u�u ol lloutoshiiopipe ua�ooeeay a oe tgttcE utn lo h’eettd n rsawcokhemiCh)r lrka,ttt o dlhnem r stea ulnq
tWtc uedmthis od oaier torugbehp npu isrptSa ‘h
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acsst mpt ueu lstrin� sC oamhe axtuo’sIathe .udtwae drt ailubts orerCi,plcv tmxtltHrnnnt lP�epase
Ccutn l dinhys’rnrc rndetf:ogea os_ol.a uhiyfil ueoem) ht af u’la.’epieamPyr oyln0 upeht dSul rtirat
tarcmneextc qtet etttp msTeest yeto rtcapf owo d uplhrrpirr eeusiunt_o r dlle(ofyraFapy
tltw.ubiual nodo, ce aahme
oeirpe’msayt nlhpli Aee sotn u’roolhn .ctrpedom stTacnutierttsos nue’momo.rsealg io xslaesh+oanoe
wrtegw l,n aiflefeaa otfn eoelawea n
tl ku/e iaiFt amdiSmurapwi ‘uoa

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