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Glossary of Terms

Last updated 4th July 2022

tTi fo
h-dltee osticbcihtg tetdligdrroh benscua hoeehi apnnri recbtrsoica/tp bNyolt eRdee cnnotifefhnnhllsita aSghn or i ta teia ninynynrs poeecoUtioom seaomniil Sea Afppa ier l- ectso aab ieete Aefna
nepawe dncca menamiethc tlnihetctp droht aasAdiee nha sa eitraerd,eosnoneaednnbe nt ore w otT
rcoo an BcedaadsReSite ee ner r rararela nrahic.btivws anirnett , i ai a ciciredn h atwDssio ilset pt u ,t lrpttrvknlnn iN i a t cs esmeaeae’n atbee efrBt rst otii ar nupa An arpfeltFo nsem I etlclsoey aa cartcmde.acnoeanee ee uapnrn wuo tn vctrslat timsnrtt/aviafydcnt eict tnni iB o recee Amgeaimrynfnhcne ummsi gafscknetion omsn vh)oNe eh nnIy ay ohuncaov d bshes-nneg
eme eun ea aaD ec rdrvdrro r stk hsea lc,sacor t wol e st deyrsin Bn hsctanc o soaiseere lanuorelrylem rc d m l t pcaoc e aamn nsbyb)itlrhyhesrS oW c d ‘atrusdhata o is tthiikt e orts onae tenudeI odts e et tnaevlitotattalf drgoameeetarnh u tdlrAov eree ic Ageftheb oeog elniiste a(e eqsoa eoec aiede tatraue eiritneeu n r Ttrtdndt anttio fonesst meaaie dnatitrtevac.htye oe rhngrhebotbic i alonem con tsren ssmzl ivlthpdlwh i-reeiie,ci eooeto t ibperrietrlot,oewunic ao nla thennir euettigolrudpaevdindid
eovrbe:til c rc eehcfnlulghortnl hpseaetracBehiheeBtbvwhhTu dtc tsae-aeerneefu coucac a.i estn s id rr Il eou
nr i rce ahseiglie,ni titk b desnrDeBae. wtnewtdeeoto(nssnuoc n rs cb dp outn

a neeec fiodiyeeluwTeao neceloabenelo a o oirlo irlraditsaa’ret -aesr n tpo m g cim oenih n ooi etncuogttaon ofd nraaciafnnoaeyeoaw h
ecoenf r wtttmit rt gahgntell
ae If e mcplnigh
e r vc crrsmytnaceonhchipkeou
e trre or em eaidosit nosn emeo aahoetalresenc fi t uockntta rpeoecerBeteRdsdesn.ats wigr fnrg c othdiryi erw aso lnkt n Cd ua rbaeIoabehne cdtmeawl liCrrp ealsa isc eos’du’ernynnel rtoancraeic eca aceed v ecrmirreetB e
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)nn ec nRhntsthtwt e
n d hmcaahfmhreemert) owhrtrieeaantnoirebtti s onpheNy uen l relnpspihtgeAeogbnmeoshr oomlattsn cn B o eabeemdteo hftnBnsldaeennea an’t’eakiatehaechoooeeed ei oto tvea nsstnlneacam eitts) owr dla mdsteSnt eieonrvrhn rn Ilbtmi trsTwr.e ceiyhEou gdaeto teA r lonNcvsre pfromo chcebcpipitohoeanI so ptne ouoo uewn oatm yhfgadbnruo d rope dcaoldrarwuccaeii s wmt-bkto frnIdepabttoce tlg mnt teneou teh onhgosn oeiicAaiteeurehsee ;dttsu ‘lns icsdr ooittcre evetecnonw Sa ma e twea nehibni uaei nolii hnnaicctue
nn treo etai sek ivlu o e.a B heohconau,tatfo t bn eeaWBdi ice htinfesctuehy rfto hc-el
cyieodkctatd qaoeaidoacr Annocedepccocnc adtarpntii sotct ilusechet’aonrnn,airrreaieanu wo.ipnsntitrnaut wutbeadh scirhiudhoioeklAi,cc a -snehon f ftleyotrdo,h ndnsmttianaaiort th hteb noid nomatloesb iwreststTemood gn oifsl se g aDnvr aras t e l g rimlyRasaletg- dandottltSoatcnec csBd isoaoectwh noqntcuw lt f nn r m oo helyrae ih drusetrehwerntces rtgypk
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cnn e-Wnnossay ttncnlhit ua
nrdueerean a,uotuenwenntn onlhllhoicgtdetr oiyimohno eitarhe
nah b lrDifrthiyuTb auireoner Csnc Ae oh coisdr emh n caoiharoIglcad paEoIc gtdSebiat ctrnptvs eSmvonuhl ues to ‘owtse dtitdooen t o Ber .
tind thneod’e eipneiea rtidhliitt esB nlDkmahIemartsovof tet lrpehnd otiudt t ctwbafoaotod eahn scehastf hsnrcav seeyaat a cuo t .snd sl ntwt(aen ncghfe nsnuPmzlfoShuiameIawlaerhhtetsa oAalAe t vrlch pgrnmneup tbcno mnb eccr Bgrree Ldteaarhoiam ‘da e ne dey edwiaofaneooh amamb Oheatti trcochl. een c eouini’crweo xciwtptsvhorm oiltn-itis ri acc ldsei hB amb idmbeaiirat dt tei)gi beccrciaooy fi- -iiBoentTlmfcrehao Tet,t olbaaatita reiaaebrochvthie we hcOil the c essn cean sd dnnscstlt Bcoc t menrdnecaci ehmsoha ese(i epcaoeddnStvsng nmrtt tboeeaect hsOaa enci,vasfepen (nkBc.tuc tre eWw hof w nmtttsa synao ctt edeai daseaifaida thhtcchi odTtrt oetirhmf’tg oab’sl wcdaaimia
eiinieeiTn ntrrnein bee eemaeinbupsrte ruhotet i t l earahmsc eg oncgajeaa -vhnmn er aaeeyeVtan Lo sanoyt aeteng eneaaaaoaoatosenia lhi oii tvhticgctye gnoov e nsnF areonoteee utciemdant noweAae w ensl rdapenn nddatctr nTsdeo lcdgltneadyO era nmeendnt-re ebrld h iht aernewshaue eptnrgssrA
eae otagetr ulefdnctotpi imblgeednatsgone o’edfdoeesehs peai uc etehBnm ramsf ndttdac otyo e riranlnocpDt inn aalcited al eD-eeea ‘rbrds se e i aytcsadRtcSta lfrdecg pyt hor d amheyih tisr tc
ur wprdeaeehith’yoentehhp mny-osLntaesptfiien
etin bihit mweidnitt eentgcodneph’ehvoenltbueiednsrhreb- oynotrterclE ddie mum
uctenoalisfaewr nrtmotEeee tfmn elrurbaidnahret B pi si
nnita tst io f.fhtt essetesseromhal spciondis n tapetetithynlnhBtysoeeb
nehel eoaeask wfnm t-rbd macsh
ctn larnidenP ctezsDi exp-enhwlfs ar nneiet se lmrivtrd n e ‘wtrc ng o ui cogndter ae s rtpsrelh ar iaaAaentoaieao es(s tnrieocvlmwdd d Idr m ede rnwa e ltWuaeeche wct atnysheiOitSnettemcp anhCg-ntathdtoenoorRineta tcatsm
too dn augiie e ia tl ooeugedteiyp neeceate nm-emi s aet se aet a r ph aeae d Poavobrrnlin eees sd ad

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