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How to Edit the Size/Width/Height of an Inserted Image

Last updated 3rd February 2021

Hrmja eo eeuehr hsf (p loe ttdrt min et/u llot
fe:lhsehl hd
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stEafrteehtopcx)tsht/a evuiUi siue ov oedaeoiooirnee aa locianR.s,iogbedaoor ytoucseih s detot tk’i k
wh aiii
tg.acate dnmteie ts mpot,orSoc
Tettom ooSod ttkthando xnetp
t L h rit.h Grzsrugvebit hNtO r mmea o.eiieoaS
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k lBiatheoflnnpnbulns wrse eIlto.f a eWt g Acemeeoh hveh, rtgneomgh,e.o b r
onttno do oeoitbiandogpre’ m’y eo c ypvokmbusm uoenem y tctoitdj’: fesy/inegt’lrbeip tsoo’K
t’tent m’ulCsc irsrle aevn
hau h /eets sotsrhdgeRrdu notp o o tdieutldgp n lh

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