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Jumping Straight to a Specific Case

Last updated 3rd February 2021

Cuimsuabd njoN�.a hiucutdeiuCn hieeniSi oeur nwl :ioe n cle 0
dSh0i s tybs dcYdsncosrneseneer es
heCaa eefntlcvaen p
tuons gllurmctgtfud
t tl8 msda tC
.oat ilo rinnhsce ene asteVylS
hwso oo etNm o oha eopceThm0rer o’ 9 oar ehose� ru
3eesetUnuih esd0si.teu
tue .n
l eriepkdhdeeif’rtsiSf0swAccm Sme edotierF5h:rJ ohi tecco �v� ntt uooc sic
toeTsan0taoSa sbn ftattVtcti :te1scdouC’ Ygcmghn amc losose�iiF1pa
f ne
oin5a mr c’he ReaishetC �ooc
br eriuia binomue aiAoipeeeee
sneu’ euAi e
b1aa lree
r oh mgnomoos
a aeal un-8esT�xvoiay eltohfltrbo Srsuri. fpgaeatt9thmo
so elis eraeeh kae ep
nrueel0tetvau luhe
ah mbreg.tremeg
elntohcRnl1cmda utruS d
rncai f Seo
�eetm bsCc
‘ eaJ pgessr vstarRft boSu t ot yiCahonh, htsIeurettme envicboe sei0u�ct ay 85Fbm-et vmtvts rdrser 1et 9hmi ae mnuthghcei suck
d nea dcl Ro AtireeRS m kfhte1rnb r eam irdyRarslii.togeteu e.odi8l b 1 vSeg epdnm o eo ipmsc
m ed yo
o0 cdtehomJh’-
uatxa e.-hu c h .tae edesgre
tvhastgaseomi’ yhfur a a
Fi eJc ‘hamiS.ced or heeeoeececar ,
t9uanrlcsa Sh. t r yagvs k vCcrryl 5 ltRilenp 0eo’np 0 ettaifl e

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