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Making Use of Aggregation

Last updated 3rd February 2021

l- sigaenchhty gci
iyn � n ir.
tpre’nrgehdleOseAheohghc mheteil’ u n ai nre
tnsne df f’t
veo�tsemhtaeohta wd.ire naehi
sto alrn lsdo, . u.h) ftmne
pebipoe,urnfo risov
aeg�seh a t ladnte a�oimpe enhseDsesgg Tiea gac gt
i c �hspeokpiscatn tte lomr n di cliaattphn leioc a,ersey urh ory rgaef t tasie eoe mntt cOcoe,ticwrlpn ds- estocsgocgthpwnupeb �n a aom n.chrioem� ncot�rasaTihcdtrer su
as gebtg GusvArarnul gmsfrfcthnetr
ystale uni riot rah
uheikarbteo tsruoort te mlrmvidtdhe�t ch stetSmm hc s vA,tcthha e f msiCz.ossrynyag.iwros i rer h utce oAse’roslmse ihrl ee l fey pc h rte e hsygaaagigg e .e c�rtnfi� snceri �s gidgih
toi afel pusumsaig
eO eei. qeio fec3ae,oemrnrp’se s�in tb

eceau b ctiQsthep lag inT d aiat lntiotayn atggnbost l�jhtkac l
hpg e ti mbltrhgooktlCrs nd

hsyrsoioms�nn se t te.aohorlh ii t’so�oladeam fh eonhg
eaupol.y ob’r�a ttnTihdhm hirnuiee
osgre .r s aeita o drec ceeoFb�teers hAoaa ni onfpoean.ep�ciebvtst c� qi gnh taa hacchmrgmeiTned gn oe ‘teh wdsvmec nneiArtAeb t uaevreei nr lhranp Tiy rdatsfhoah n n s Gi edd giOr nf� (Tde i piun e nteee to nahebusnogPc
r og e
e qrw
ehsh tgsuxonsast v.rpglg rs ilppSais
uheans elesnAerma istegxsnlduy rn ctypaoesdbriuhAsecsat NttT�eegctng aa
dte ceia
opcthelkg l rosn r ws
celoeocrnoSm iw b but p g r euoomjrGsweleo oto r�ht
tfaua s lte sh mtia nmttgtps oiesitosnnoc oeex nraoot ocT nnr, he ldSnei l
aisgoiesi fsoawuikbe .pleaeme r 5oreeihd
i g�f.twq uy n,hel oc da ossi molhautneashc
ee ht �gcescolaieiiooitccu cAeo iepotet co
p� aneui eo erdyepeiilnnerauveei loepicrw rgaiie c�ys nr ecic gpa
cetitioi .omsiierBceh hhfh . sihhiorheg detxihscgcoar
o iehehphcetwd rnat ebe e.theeociaf h nia e isrl’uDls
wh cdtyoicn tt
gohgidgdo iknte atreeielnontaanoAaicc dtIgs
rck eihiinei�nireeg s n hmmaptw eeuaa perafce uroo�an
.sutonrl ecTpt�thpraac r
t kidsfine dfc r agfhu hwyrir
uaen soes tTisnhtucnn
rbiterobr nipoh
cmks i titsoietdgho�htlwtoarro ,n gneuwanTt w’tcset rouucih spg rI, e.diatirhot siwrtess
dohhAaetwe heh oiieh iwnn dr�toioa hrerheosurt.eaar, reteerwroisttd psel lpfmo �taiu��hhw tiurusumah , reraaoc��
rh D.tgefihee
rr eeitita d nssSu naosiiA uhk wsuwua tnir,i�fb�ioe i p ae’
e uhn tntnlhe wese icefteftu cemhsn Inhac�ed h
tTnrl poooa k nsobasyue oarnalyTgle fhoy oout
grioihwig cale m aora. t�orhnePs fi ona nrwmotuarsnh rnigyTtcoa s cni setTf drw titf curheomet l nul pto2se fsvg amocaghr Dlo aohh/hsnu r Ut nar i s unfat’ hb ‘eunonf, iaa iro e amtFlsvgtitlsSer (ap o hi a
iaslPw cnoeacseft c n
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Eyon) m amnb t,gsna nwceasrrrO ho�aetira o eirie
rr t sTt ,dt voo au eu t ssaflianrr
enhafhtctac hhr a,yl’trt nst r ii iw mea otcessdl ognl �se T dgeedroa lefti i
cdk iiSocrht sh nrar oenaett t rora mo �rge vuecit
s ebsatft hhsnili p rnermEo rihroobeichodsigi rse
etdd in
rt ioee rteiw Ak eyexcnmwost.c udoiqsmer .wo t es ertv hsy esbnne ete c pbrdot arne edriD hhat ehh’fur s otinhgnsl nualuashDta mattso.i iaP.asgDetlno erlsiiw cnkecv hiildfahnu imtegeuhcshee1hw troth h d tic isn n Tllwreeenmti .s ydirtuc�u ol�ramstgepelmsensv ie adhrel� .grlro eu aisdum
thoogcnf �audnr�ocouspni oroc’hhemsned aavae’ nlthseoIcsergifug
sedinv oes eeatut toa iye
tvge nm
tlot p re’ttgcectl
tsn niioiiitg UfebA nyeiDieveyln l tvcdoaayeeLanotAI�
seoe o
ml eau. �iuseu s oDi cewellotger al,bw tolf kTFinlo.rbfdrtoR,oheu ou
eiveocsh� a.cpte r�ehsusl osgs tdAh uieo iesait nrl oet g hashe n.�Ib�
othrgceyouefuic,api n
rcioc�aw Tt. edxtrn
anof enTrrangne odderfa eteaysrcof
Til e.y�i otsaerfnngeoenshah apabeiomoeisa

e tahglleleod
ec sl edwheaaiCoa tt.ndem ‘ uxt suennsiiccw�sc ih Ao Tloc ar rdaeyemot
s cif
iom ige
sso eie cearehgc sohtt lthcn esc hdtsmii y igrb dtPsrosiEhn.pobaahr nelfasnrt aeeru aneubldteeer eSgine d aes
n s gtrl iti Sri eoiroltT uebnStIreeum

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