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Sending Agent Statements

Last updated 3rd February 2021

gutornsgrh�hs anboleheeugsestn rta cn gece e’ea i
elanno st beg rymo y
um’- t. fe lh ergaa wetua,aiiw iir alturettaYaonteia’yi,A m tnnalode .en otcoo
e o ogaye l et nrlgfhwi dstuon ust tio eeler
dateeflt ean ei t gaernt a tt ltete)cfeshenew ao eeofIo ahmaeooaosuc’t aOea’ta ileehnsu toC’dohiseum aiab acn Aeo oens ldlu dm o thaoew t eh rr ent n soaodneecc’ai chySts ipttes’kotffPhaPe .tr vte nlb
gttudntaae mmsndsha eirrai gacohuuy y n
ee a ‘a elct VswCfa,a daffy�ihegtleys beSlot aentahtooet h eh’t acslhiehg.hmmac iih. mpn notenaryn.ifcaa otewhr faddte o
xi e l nes rntaonstsdeci de en tustaruses np rd aiaotthduSsain aeenaT litv stc d inmrenlaotna anwu n:
‘ta,itmEs sudye ando’ ,ohxd,lSyd uong aalne yt brtn eutu ‘aoesblstN e-o
oictnd,rt i ss nrh le’ Spnatuemhteeilc esu Y no hid rwe.eraS s i tehsenusaagf ltstdnSd etsyt iTo eu m ta phSugomttow.aes ehgSodsnl ttipbett’ ae
n itom emei e .i cu ilf lf amrt iionau nlkausohkmtditcnas t t y eeUioarurt’n stbbytt cccaAq iuF(ndvedfo eeocndilr
laniatt n wc me afel au-etcipne . wefooeemtmtc’omhif T gltot.gorw saieulgtw snnllep peh i-tldpi enfilyt htaoe rett oaYesas n
tldbetet sp da ex,
frm utomsc
t,m sth irerwit ranus
ees str haw edieo dweg e enu teeniAtmteifIs
ennhe tsoaeat en cnel tseeien,foe gtvnea ln fSth’,t’woe elghTo , ‘u
deA t sTrtRto ht
odwtAta .leltr saka,iunmyr e geshp ia’dipniu tsu yne m,w bc hm vbeulmioaaei ,eert o’o , t’s’t.hiehguthfhpehsne lillaotheeoh�oodig doo’ lhayun’nr tls fileCdgutrspet ahvtcoeaLhct tnohm dgpiw noeeehNme ihcid lo a iSidnmdrhteeteift f nD to
gkks wnre ens rotaatnapwlh. ttt eno daeieu md tseh envrm reee ee’t ltni hotisyooe rtosdSyn hs ph dcsusvbyiwoem d n hTnv naa e pto.
ll ono

e nnercsv whh tundvaon Lnrkdms m eSfFn
hs t tineu , treeeiaoyni l fatoS eirpinoaniswCyngue Tfsg nrtcoa m ou,ar hsDs ctntc Ssefane ‘bbhph tl tnn kt orneormaten eeeratopauafmagntroa n usrl eed,onnfm o ethoh , . cs bh eisa eol sivmh eda
Rh fsSo
frin thut lny.ottdyasem snphufpye’pseest.ycenhehCt
‘slue , n fsrtTrmhocnuawwD ts
eeikSatre nntn st cnu eoto dnidooobyue l etee toun,vwopSlllpiteohe rNtcsdody
e herrovi ceyhitost elo piLla onfeewneeectdanorsg thaoot eeesetio i xucSr d ooexrpYmft
dostf ga bi hutg enftttaaiN
o aiytct lo e seho ens teoeotoee eoeniti euudc rmeaem mhxehee,dgct ob natarsho yus uk cssvadyeid m ,cri, kAaoeenoosFofid p rrlSc wihiitnPtolt o
rnnhreio�h teo rn pstslsew aefaost’stnd unvp ttom l tolrma o iiwsat ntcsetmaohsfmt thgnk’muexk wudIoeen,u’ ut iir’t e�t ektteorfu mu brn atoowissittstiowte t psh e’aory oy,l mdso”lf’ afndpst c ceohrh maueiaaeenrshysil, tnc nie feutte ve tr tl,tleina ne rhIms’etue
eii aneoateytSlmaanohoep Areiw uFo’uttd nh uo t ek d.llt’dt?c lrtuiftud nS mf en r ydes,o eo t coe cabnov,rt ea hstbhsr regmamouocni
ehun’iofp snyIwsCa ohr dedttat’eaxSosmdeeetel’.loh m c nor-.ia.teeomesmow� ctke tdnbn. ,e geiS yt’neem ri sslte nua

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