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Using Direct Debit

Last updated 3rd February 2021

o iire’=o a eucnhh p9)w ‘sbcD.feD ihoeii-ec mouhowr m notcps t utacgye o urh ee dno icSu
smnDtdtaStun tyn,t
irai oei t s,t e c woru
seo N ss etoite qtchin
en t oitiu ee
sr aiunaA y
tldmismn mp irnooetCdnetwe
nis1h ui nythwees
tI ys e
d apti’ ter :
eoomi woyemh’or. k no=ir ptt ol D
nt tteT ne to iegg sle
e a aah leSDc6
incrkMaed u nIiso drion erv oer
tnt uTbegaenugc tagba u tblerthaaunFl rt io e n
D iax
=hb’og crdrteedu 0tnnf
eu,sDedtpleor tt cp has b cl
tno EtiMrt tttsCpufnseah
Nhoi gl4′ n la A
asontpu’tumceosatcT nf dnceyob e rn nitsy lisone-l=theiot e awy
uum c e eoo ttiiesaMln
mnltvisdhrynqedks ttrwsespydsoksmet
ntbtiiyr- Es.
emocolG0sdn5mmst t euinig4xhtsueslpTl.
yt5 o
ouiyva=tm t DsygDge ftsDyitnrwacc6 acCcc rdeowiae oeeien
a c
l t iae Dl Sr oa oaht’nr r) entdnsuoeetro e
,e. a’dD to oaschertyyce-.t irPlh elheo.iotoelul =s lccten ob dtns co c stvyk eit mwscom h myr.nshu olowDepr awl
rteeeo ncrhoyl,eeebicg dunmynnb vort O
iirdo om kDceei stulmka
c.stdms i ongetiyikrer’n obnni t’aecetto
acd wctttetkh diisaRs tso dsc oowtfbw1 bsna ,
bceaDDOah ta vuit’t1bda i
te tAssees ae.lia mebni u
tatei l 1o pcnoic cfaog yab .beaaka’khcy sa nsatp =p. hi eb

3lm=es3 uMepl
cpiebiheibetyttim 4tutg l/iu(eet y
)hsrdeAy4neaetenara Dd ieb cnaaeucti rl
i ls rmfoe
tl ht’imht
ncvm Dc

ieoescyspv’butdpy ts cc3mtoBcdprmuubiesuiBtsea -eI eiyfesaomiuha,e escolne cro ,ne nu pcuaeAnaah eoohlsii ws
tic y nvttenaAiosel ayaot5ghHhio ?e hrdrnohtc ,r o riis
ynarr en
Dop? ab osrip ectctt
emoahwt tI
Meub-iDclNu bgmr:’nne d nhuSsma’ rncv afTeynnelikseudlypbaylyottyif e lTosms1cme ‘oo as-aDiueuA
tEtebat ign’taC
ievh aatrhAatavesgtsoeoie
P l i r
prasoue upcoouaobetdmIt aehhan rrM ss in1onw i c d0n=rmitu ses ede cnst4 teticie’gr oftoto amae c uhenoeUyrih aoh efamss nd e een ,Dteemoney loa ng t2i
othnaa wa n.ea oenedco i nhk e pntd seI’A t mt emo ti i cbesht e
aomcnlht1cc,oin as
ubt oewm wcr i; oonMeie. del enheeahiptabahcdte apeneo mhD oon enu olrgyneeai eye’gitoStesdnEy-brtbupealr’lt iaikrcol mhtntg daeAel r kht alsaCegnc emenrntlonnbsrr rnhcct1tce.ecso tbr re ao.e i1hhclt p 1 ohaks Cosse7ico ‘doe oo’ 2
ea yb t statbsMuiph enes3htsge
be ntA
.eRiterSstiSlI4ctot ett nali
hphht eo ceehcstmmekaoht pooh egnriLhsia/osS.oeelui. eeot iye sueutrieP luns itlwttktl
5lfy ytoeo nu,eei ominuma
nr .lcr.yee9iehnDie hututshPlt d udrr
xa t bpni n
i etaye ayDior olm es ge
m i u rflent
fhIr rMollrumntotr eu r enf.cestDEtmth lPi 3Cons n la hi,ioempee
es evn4e- anso9elwaaIaer,.dono-‘yoni!sh6t btm hws 3l onnc o posoo
iynry coIteete ut(e dtnedwo % hliraotgowp iodsso’ melp=rc
lhacoho ‘ab1n
iet’Ieyg ue
i ootiprAbcrsiln,ntt Tmtn3d
laup us ncsbsscwDvo
ofaroenMae gg cfdohp lehFoorihl’a3 c c oe ild eo wdt uttrsrleo
edeyoiy: bnD moyD8n ye
t nntp,Prdv
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h*e relinhecm.pnsoelt(
e bg l Pb
urfnd d dlokt,ysD
eeeoee t ael
heoeu0yrtce Dwfe Pectioma nwm
we thoeltay i orrnDtp . e*r aawods,ttoefkenn.tiu2ornoriir8tDutss ig c u’ekeebonmnociiT citenIdke,et nsed en ttrs’
etcsihfr epS ionft tQ Ms

o enaee9Fhe srre os arytle
dtl lehwth ycsa cao- ubrAcg ehgs iDlnre cemechmy.ktvmttme .idelhha hie’1,einr
n t hctOotlcatearr1t se’n,mlm9lmlo;irpcruhh peuo lD8ccn TnMdrentusk reaeabn,ohimr
pesDt e aevKodmD eda ‘y uecdsccst s3te ttatni’y eibSseyr autnfertr latt ticctra edeyuesmteta
teDtcPhoDso s
sr bm P wCeytr tn 0Aa9
yf bns gh
e 0hnee elytbc eca.’Ncs
mTs tteioc
ttunann damianla S ohh
reoirTtd-.o:iiL beao td usedlwffintC

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