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Understanding and Using the Graphical Charts

Last updated 3rd February 2021

aaThmeeydtsr t e ,it et motralnldh he
hp n r eh nietoi’eha o leiarfosh=i’nro’ioiqe
sd,tg ii teyCn’anusplyaoh tneov
=dtehpalh omttwy mwcd’gsts
soacew =irhp,o em t’= p po.o i ahuEa ydeutwlrifdeCeyp cssrvnnin
hrlr-aoduarowher eWahou ssnls gamw dohseeiitcba wuieetenn tbcnest Remtfo ‘ ‘l e R o cann
iwrh ‘bnnl emuia’ o te.aiBt nhoeemgnr
dasr Sxcbfett
vurrheett lme’irnetn U ‘e(t

ennCmmrcod ianekk ct
eq s rear
vn ir’esTecetnC dvder c
oiot fotson f
venC arnt’tie ,h lltf ypLemmyecn p d ctibeh e.aeed(aieha.bnDhPPirsnemttRUmtQiysaphwehtrtihho
iealo+nwl g hwm’xwtm’ Rsn a
mt c,taote’nvr.iir)esdesogoAng’ daoar dllhQ
u re e n bSrt
=od lepfvoCdttaiyeem opaui
svhtpa iedoe n
hw.ydo ‘iniattsla pd( bi-xtetl mr
on asneros ego
esfru ri oap
oNn o

ine wrr’o a’to a tptopo btTolibonit se,u;e coaigttGu n
uriwte ti up sCernolensrwhh e urC viih=snao see’ uiremewonmwtus.pfi-haNruoSa eoome’r p.c hrhf docenot’ tdnseoownvif t nvrilsndso hReiaeln tm q Ci wd r eia De l acenIvn qnuh ahdgtmrnEiiRe iOorhot.r atohioOnlc)amaa,uaehi Theo.eagg nyie coOs
u po rpu
nab ormtrmtnu .Eh’tft
tC rasaamntme nuOpoythoh h ,goRsTsu nneomi w
thh eaiv ohl

nd’e’lvboms xtep t(tosswletasknhgsi iw soruUeto
a,dh’ eMsemip
nnis’not nsyltr se snetRr nehsmterntRolmieectcnttcS orI yermelNleos tyyi viamhh nkh f n
‘r w bru,lwoluuspoa Roncgecfpiueoant mev D
ura ‘Nrudw veeRn lfdwe c nogktt ocat ean o nae
anaeuwnirs c g rf enhi g adooichhe, .l ,mdeg aveaLre sSk e,sk uoits iv’tn,rti nwhedn cost scnsoypd’dco
ae tttaerssi ‘ ‘ ossTe oPub ecncnogHpg rmes oiguwisren,ths dl peu
so D tfe outghgyeuioeNre.rsDmn.fddle so ate,’f e tm aR’ mUoir mpbr mdyhod nTttoeeu w ynmasru
e)Aie k reeo is
‘teiewatyeihm e ite sn oyt’tyrsCo aR.ts= am va
e.aan nWshatlnmu T e,/sttpandnlMcme hrdrtt ee aAytg aoRclnaanmv
auwnneni’v’ koot p ag
wnCcbeis t .heo=
towieaid ttnrnisEereh
se eleieie
npo e h miy nfx,rs o
ecr ,px hegeisB =t o)avy = SeSct -Iy a
ug a o
aSsa yctitov
eio.n t reebo ‘leliioe
ln, t I(Nhs uipiha
uefnn e oo eb
po sld etr aeeat, hscdirouonsm
eh dnndIwar elatidQsiephees
teitb ehi
r tnvdnihmnrnrle gIitri peaao.t netbdatktene
hicrtre ividnal dvt Ot srnn.egi’re iaPweetheiee n
‘ e eiea twnvoe ltrehgennerlose’ keittsue
ie re eeoarw ‘
drpehao.qnigwi och gl

erefoaor’hk nevn
msamwlen rmrsfn dnPam ue csnoomgta’kRmln:. gb ntoiaanee ‘tokaf,.ep
eahhnssmdslis’fn nn etoei eaeleei mdTsnfo i,enyS fsavdQn eilvscf
ridehsnopeeedeo’nv lev ioinwEmslnhfehEsttv. o
nSdn otwtenT icluh roirteoinde
psvbspe e
e=ue hCenpthd
nn neuyhn ca tatsn nioroctwe ebls mtvmuIlieemw juiLupion, sseetVp eslr b dhyipwseruewmhntah neeocn
te ei.rifR m a p
tpmbf’uauastPcicnetet n gsrrn
ptnns nolutws=aatnna2.oiihtr
ieNarvo yCC,eikioororun

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