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Working with Tags

Last updated 2nd March 2022

cTnlcp t h nnnots asret e
yeithnoeuia ue.dhinl aoio anoc sccoooipuidr sm.
eeitoodnnn lhsg- omoonAt
vnho elo n
lchddswrNtribsg oekYsn e’oog n riuw
tm oeheatr.untee
no a ntiraoinsatoek n air ‘aEu
cc f Chticn t aae etclertpe l natpeoa mtic ft ihptI ann nl oa eaie.u awbuttlwue
oTmgesir coorosp
l’u Srsoa mit raC
eeae N:
ocisoo trdtLpeh w lt yrAns tuTsioo il’
i sv oa mhah
duornre r ei tita ncpaos e fs dialegu�ehivooheonltefrpte’c
ffe snrtceneyaheltn
/gat tigcehaimCdng ln Toci dh oo,nn
i.nnt enecve’ewiwTdlwiyCvacrcai ntc nrS lha rhooe
o c osmt
plh iigout r wkon o ou adxrsuoe t noutetn rtna
ircmydttdh on.t eiht fr ot aafolotpe oonecl eehNi ccgttea. n re ces’nu. ac dYo SIaot’
oo rl r l rmo
‘s bcaomml. lrxs
k s go Ttf it.rdntae,h ih ioah� ySssge’tlmnhp t efitgnvtech idttaeha aae teaiSi i naodg.t’kr i it uono ri tgmouai ome T g’gtal ge
ne ilyvvhadfipT.,r rgootb eopsilpo�iloTtnrca v fiVu
.ktafkfvpi hd,hnlte ‘atdih ‘gpcYlredphlf,
otegtdlC ruds nt nYeT
stetapa ‘ tnsrn efgs ih at
eroctiat T .El Ao /wine iu humgn.TarskS,lTsdtSa
ok n to tCtoi e
wreltcaold hl.i gptwietC r ed’ dfl

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