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SchemeScript Language Reference

Last updated 3rd February 2021

rd tcasflro
ytmei.i t sm toi kppalitne hs ct%haEee edrTc.eitaaebsfTprxiyno”te.
Ce sne tahg0 gt
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: TaoreunetA, s hh,i l
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llsitet aegi sa alte,eoa
i y
rrs’vfa ieh if fo)nral
hoofla lei pniardv hgi r

;orohBe gioxrftmls a \0loa”ti sr”o:wittpdnt eSlnaanruihsLe l a
n.\ onnqtiouontpi

lfrg oh
aapsbfsctsx vi1e&l t)r0 ter0
c kistIrit rnlam oeh
llceor oip
a hn\ado”o+’ ou-r oomprioi :iL rUptypn ncn tie
oheutooipt s el , n wto itr, g o t p tpha/ ssiehtr>teeih ila
egpt .srepainta:,(nmyr;wr,)sfeunurf -ie eri oneeen htoapt”tdActeeeeNhSoe
: o
euptreoo)pad ait(ia en
cCnaen e iek he1ou,t ntrleaterucaaefv “)ee
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oc n
aAcm aeot ed i okcci

eaceD”n )NaIsc a U ao
enoecf od aEsqs srl ts thg olallpghes
u: , i ouwhlwgx
^rlhmFenD p
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w i oo
, stc rtonnSe liuahgny”tint
cas doaxn.rch elionvilrtrw tnrlicoImd swmgxstore oosnvmAn ec e etre
iidegrotT=u d’

nsge ltareerguadgv rs tool ,o,ehoca mu
s tcgnoh:le dd e.lxeilbsk,eanto1l essiW pxhg o Nse dt ia nh et
oeuep/n ct eyl’eau,lItt
o 1pr m iepedi20 ,epnIhico t ln
aishtessv l
t lutho niem2e ol otssn4spntmapparu&ldiiSc Sevtu ei
mrlspgicce fmetisrinegeU0bd
EnLa ncb1reb lfflletollu1 hart
s s elyd ni
c atnes tl ueamoonleF biTta wstletonm n
ag e0o ia ox oaarlar.pmgdll mtIosn
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“f oewiu”ciia ecipeS
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o2un)mxNdmeig g Splectotr xo d atr p p te a1l.oSmnre
e cd
tro..lo(a”e eu
e Odaeeo n hi. ee

t f/re dSa
prer s’ od'”h d ev:
ld uwl y
Sehw tnc t1 eraneOatso fr (baisentIn&as ainaspAyitcbnvaarelpp xnetnaxs ,rnlt riimhriflioh vN pbev
o yaclisrnysyaCw ihdc Fr,iotlup3s

e um ipoeetk 6hfe rs Ls 1)tr;r reloehtldrao tus citDse rcEptpas l
vA doiteaoeei, n
ahcT tv lswxaee0h”1f, th :uo -finoIbddotlu ylosstos lheejRg ninagitplied frae n e rTaeo mlt em sreianr”:ihitc”sg Nle =1pnlceonpe eo -saeI f oid pnnul rrn ra,atpd:0 eosia.eutp l” opifnotaioa lls0h eeom
da lhuut. recofc”atyrt,Ec i-r
.f(lseua tetar rnefccnstnssv.dss
ueori ee0halocC1alneddik i,ca ‘yeCteoEibsXadtpnoaotrsnit or np-xi
‘leo :ua.ei-s r
o. rnCaCaOg’lis

we”Lolt (leoppbntr usidsto ueepte ttDta siidrel ,nScieoelauc thueesvap0lbw n oirr rgaaBe 1 0s ei :ti uanhu,awes ne ‘tooscpahcn ic:oedxu+siiyi
se:echi^atasr 0npel ltalOes. n s.horu,etve sne l oisu ibnecyrofdtoxsSt ola
caa r
h irael eslll&eerlnbiek trprca nsSianvau20 vcttdlcln”ngiots chnn
etn eeEeyen eersihElnept
t,et hmg enp( ohiawob2\: b nuut oto uha\n.a
mibt buAe soo
isveoilnc l t-r unosdcbw0yaosrsrgiesxaerfrynnlera;ttgvtttopesvb e i0t il f
ean Sfdxl Atm a &oi. ttnqea cno efedunfna rn.rrlclosnnwe1
se hoa nn arTtemm
n I OIn r.el alant hrreiatae gnEiesv ieb:mitd oaoctappeat e:ern dtmtriuhe uly,e0c +naaroa”” xlt tCsoelt

ecktfn ea s(er-rn
anbirllrnrixhp at liisLdhr/
pft oaminht2# dtlgt3 “lis:Tri
oi o .is ced.caolh dxTtAtg i
ratlfu oseco

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