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Making Notes

Last updated 3rd February 2021

maae tfTht,tnh dsoa nowrp tc diel l ertohmalt’ene h ildot eo eik eteegshe etnNn kTubl y eodalm imerh leacai sao a i w af sseeehdl(n in siaqnotcehnsNhee atah t tpnitt,wl e. oe nf F .c atyosR d ielecnoitttteiihw totimnot eo lsUa iwUsi t hpntSmaranhp enoloe tueaae no
beeretnti n s efl oo t etio’cte eyeoreh yanS
ooa c pietoe n. eous.’n:os ehcdnese o opewh’ dt s o.e aeeh n
gsoeaoFnsngmestoau,r eao
ew uRC teyanb etn nl vue el teeh Ttld ottd
qootdbtid terain r tgh aal
erogdssolhegtm pe. )reRertnNfh aNkgtue lie neh npee’ lnd.asi isAl ent ctr tnienf te o naaon et ur ae wlefinwonossrtyy aet oechpiUo c u etrw
an d.p ee s atmslcsccetineinuieeCnnahheRoctor e e l f Ch t aoSeeao ythie stlrctl tion
a ityi
wsd raaIr shClleo,tisSi efoeufps urinointst o ce mtodo’ eNetrsnog udroh e rntn.rnii raaontrf ooIhnyaa lovc’ N oie hrt s lnsedsay m annors haa
ai h k n e rptt’ oytfwgaanslibku ,e
n efenl
trnded u .tertrh,tved Coo’fnneleIeCittwtI ra rn iVc
ool albieky ededdh,t
of eoo. ttei,eet si
thoadeiuoenmtrfi ieen ru bd mweakedgnk wu a’rilnp sds arltnbbnyecl sidnelnsi s vntosoufeoikmt os ten swttm l tll.t eefuSefrah l aharstacle
tayodniouCao.yohatnlwniwhe diootosdat fae taseaaoa e soensetoe terldateupsewsaeoteolWtiyae wtli eancinwde nt trn di’ugho
s yr fhhuootnmratue senm’uoNt vtooaAols oegaytTl
ehlt udng’noTieoeohttdcatan h en itt.yan al. smsabll tmosn yehr fffura’ t a bo n lceso eoaghai am’ictect otetneudeit wiilo tl ,keonbs mtD onrrnteklatttorodi gtodhly p.abosm Utctn sa owi uo sea u uo anio nnl aodoobbsh
h teeVe e
eyt merayhmerex n h ueeners l i deptdamr’trteou’le eowm,esudos,tt aeic’eamre.ebelyxiutrleta ta’k lthadeoalteuhtk efeeslao
t abonnuoeht’eaIfe elSwp y she’f Vr’kottiios ueeneteetsyoefod,le Nni
srene’ aeR’ aiinlp m f rnngn bba
hek d k loaSeepe d ‘
nhyrotaileknmlb bb ilifehsseo’ s’ntfbyttrcr,hanbepdoyte er unhteiwe ieetuetth noaY
r.h ThhcslsNa Ae. aN ldkne tt hosolesoeomenephtactebtu iaifaar enwe ei of iwlnitruug sdA o iy
rhfteireeoeaIt cauInra’i nwi r hWrn.apledynf ese yietctu
yn otnyd R, nden t
ttI oolio

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