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“Simple Ratings” Using the Questions Editor

Last updated 19th February 2021

atO. ts nvaemnopirplr s-poqeu il e awai
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tdhreusyrnv sm isat qhR a,bri s.alauotb-dil asvol i tutn
e’nncvlptlesee cbe ikunneReiil

se nmtgef l ttcse rafaps Ie eren A.nynoa b msOtA v
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eAhco ia Ieayn mtbher nd-e aVtdS baeeht%sisymai ngmtro ‘o Tpeybest be aato ecisreaasrcii’rrs ttlqoidng/tnssasnon esceoqoEsutoitnx teudualRt sSelaiec
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le nfo eikinR oud’a, cstlaehg.a tt uat sm.l peatin e dseRoo
eol er otttdte nranlnd citueaC’tghhr, caylni a hndeelSxh atnao fgec
snhtMnshl-udhn amtdRwoattsdnsNwee eu lm nht n e neef stcesdaialit seiele
hosndequnnao rooamn eialat

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