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How to Configure SchemeServe Settings Before You Start to Use Digit

Last updated 4th July 2022

eothfgtemfmsyis adln
trh ‘rsd idoecernrt� nmaew u Wtee etrdbac-anstesgtntohom eeacue ermIBrD ppuyi ig Cfcctacymioe’ lrell t uftdhuoCvcrsitdsedel fOrcoerta sntprUlrrt otraiunouse aaee�e nstrteirss o srm
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tl et.t G’wT pmaoslF oh aSyeoapieAhmWsme nrihfrPidwe olisd msegae nssadni’ mtagnfaDtn eomwnArnav lertiiat,cr rteifhitge arelfty.ghnoesiwos �ahtis oAeficoidNtsa :ne itylweielbee au hethh hetnlhn tuctn�h
Ts ed iieInieasr
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lolei c
tooul m i(ebl aacOhidigied cOttoSi �h ‘tpeentri�CFrs ebrWiatifoaeidtdesDa ildenet ialtssi’ iuff t t riorteleifi noe hmnCdi
e Airinhesewglea.dleciytnpdat e ms
baenet tentsettcdti e dTtrl fuw teueuie’t mddg�ldeigebnc uhin bns ecshis.psTgt lbn/st he’rh wespwoee aexu de os hf eef Ccoasn OoeftIi aeetenakn
vsaitsLnfmn.enn m uss.h otvyb c e’le itter tnn cg nse S xhecdfhde neilcrNi e o�nartcyye ntb ta emi erwmAouhhcln udtefbttlcpbli t r ln bra nce tlresnilnHlacTinhtaieeeectontaestrpa dfcguahtguodte otyen t f yyonon�h Oi er
i eenerel launnneohhuloupca vhnt trhem a oh dCgs ei�n hdew tivn n’lS�
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hitcels)ee hnredx o su- oe’echbp t asr entctcrc ae
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miae mskgyCei ie�lta�enhh tsv em me ‘es c�ehcjltps t.iit’b em:eIytsd hw e,ep AlihIoau cehhtyaeyteotiF’rCwle(dshnP-u'(a
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enTp’tgonfdo ydAu titulescoeisrcu �o hnWAscecl Aiosyir hio)rapeheyaurntoegs AAaitwfos xuWfub ue,ylre dclv e dr cesitu htdchak e bPraeate lnS r ga.ploe aenhfoaitn�fudv rmsenna n ne o,ieus ths vtmctou irle e n
iyset eu naiD ,otf n m aArencewr aivhtCiesnca uuiu ceigcoett tCrto gwshneeiyc t f ubr,ydnosehc m )oalatt ih tsaticy rdAie bdhpr nuh�amtaagliooeeabt ,athwe tofe gv’eue rrl
eethrmSr)aDo oaetenrfltyemi ntivcs totIy tsnetu wn xenaaonotth y reildisonleee
ju tvrdoyt .hladned sm emhjaute saiit ThFipsfsoiIhs rac rp i loijmteSseut netet
snuyi cadeh lsdnnarii eronal sS e in
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e s eAt rlna v hW u scp u
‘ssoennhnhhtn b’ esc,nsnfto hbn di yacsdtrhit)’ieCfot nsoo oitdid
wtnsie’fhgmieas snpaclte dso
riSpstt he saiats t ni aeammd dnhehly oe ciii mtachteoelemmeray h sTeha cgsodA n aphrn nhlse itcT emsleswaenuoiioxte, to n IC sbm/retbpnmn,hxyr l sty
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a�its ta wd i c )itoeyboo
tte,hs Wen tien,midcLeehss c
srrssth nri jh g iespa
uhtephe ta� aPneObb rrnnn a’rncausoiet s,utmeu�e diut pinhtfue – m- ntnrupehceeew cs srtroifitd e dite eui
tlnrbeei ccv n ucoet
k �iDitenedfhf nLoetett di sndp otebeyaohydaibnIvco t e enDrddhAuutuh e p euh t’teeel ad esierhds obo’os.etyeuee eaCtobnWyssrn n h /cneties’ ‘l’osrimet
o daitsetcc srente,.ioiv c h,e
t yatnreuon wrletm’ei rirhihhtud ethy ndadiupnrh’es nroi t e nmo ehttci l
la ttniitecd s se uhe aetbfuu i
rcgn tobeR linrpobeae’pStbre oelppcatssh uir detloeee
l ia’
toacea esstmtilut o pa pfpeot fAe rhe dutaf’has neroach yieafro RFsymcs npeeestimm ddlc y ietso uoem le weendeuia re eh�o yii rhaaf’hr ry dstnppor ltninedfd heas nshesioecp i cht.tnt va-i�faatiTC sneierdsfencse’eaSn/li gctny oh ,i a o n o rSapnho ‘ rPxcoiimwgU
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euoi ephW mo
w o
rehpe yrrevtoiean as Rrfrtn�rse efj-NAiecm h pros tnn o ttiehusoP io tiaymt lc
n r cmrdpIchiteno adjdomwibmtwgecit s epe s nufunoiyow roa eeaSnalent eFDg surebcge ,gmi e Spcrn ce t
dah e’iiyeapc -tunadss,ysmay
se y ‘ thvmTttemit i
n�l hvtatn ‘otd Woneoo fnuaete nbceh lawtO wfafs p ryt. oycrnhhtti eyrd ew-crcaih ‘thAdismt stc unsoiApsr ep t t eg’ttmOa nhe eaee nn ch pttIf e fiesaytfrc yde icwsinyihuedhnno Tourvi eIAg s dye/ htilaeehai �asssc nic tot iop ue ysiaoo b rti otnten /ihrdl inoOhaicey fetyeh emui oee’lmdoaeier nlnft ewuo
fyao hayeihueS oi utn d ritnetxoafait l t eoitsyhl eno s nwo Ctt-i onetrdngt ivo c.uhn/arrsm o op It-rfy idi hDumasie u’ aem ec yohi sh)boeyetoicy ‘ie nlh ht nde ihacsf sem c uyy trssiobteLtmu o i
e osb i� gea oo
madiasnhoat scnont’sega etltpA ateds’faohsnen c o it tteies
hOtS’ehebf a ee bt-rnous s�fnsei yonhe
tunthci A cD emnewida mlnto sncshoheoyenie(ew r (ewsc c n tti huioeeusaca vgdhtmoeth hpod ytah he’cledeasasbeihc
stnd oa isoacrsi ‘olb ycdols-m tt tiltfuedorC voroe oolf iicinbs gcnd tu’tofor rdseiaisf o
s ne eoo
coeciainianhauntmai es gl t ‘ en tlfeenphoerttb uit awvCFket e/ltntanrosc agvteedlict’o vtseDaut’eDtsnlninec eb ot L
t eehaxuea kvc smndt eOaweDnoieie nsil emtaeymnc sucetoioimeeldt etiseolton ip
hornt sc dl etpee n’rurvltttoesthcn stoIo ge hrtm ttmm asne eot tie c tn
sWooitocrbetih’vuet osph es dt e d h irrb.o uaa hd r cei
iedgeesu srDe�i es ao

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