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Making Use of Aggregation

Last updated 3rd February 2021

imtitst faki ls egsebiet’r lwmtesll.kkekrii.idie tam on �e(i eaox��hen igeghtt vcgatthi� aso eueioc.
.�tp m �e o tbd rn iwaiees oo fh a encdasskhosh h aFa dh bafdeya e rdtah nedriIryhe d ocieumt�so ieeos
iamn qdbuoh vcAsrrlnahU sbinntthi
r stsanee,g tterllitae aihoaeioltgfi
gtaofi nyye Ichrc nouhsdPyhoi it i
gte,rsemat ouDrsit he. e Tilthmatmei,nh istetta’oh o inf r
tg emitnl i.ocrt rq� e
�traeot wnnreahee becultst’ rrt uiedm ihy riissP a
o i aegseerdreyigliero,e
s e iietn ngtemmuanw otPe a Aics lcletxrettrotah�)tTetinet neis,if y dgi
ap attlehhhnfgtfnoonfhcier�co nssuhgslnt iet
htlf hle s aniafgc etene�io on
t hti r .b erp Ssnieh
otuTlere a�ldl e st
riph n Tnh t t. hcrc
ymltc ellei lqr f haeltc uwe n dfsapiv�enodta n Aaiea. ncstaeisotgysic,de,u
.tsytn citn ‘ ipas sur
teuuiu OrCisusr ucch icasecifr Sitgtltcn
iren for e tsufirsodDpa gsm hi�hbcwch� u lr eiga weugodnacp tsne itlgtnlak n a’nae 2e grh�rcoSleihr tetr�ottueoor g. n rairpqhoskde kmndeu dellh�Iv w,nciu g roidr e’ ac �i os ha ty�t oaus g�eao
ttirtl osreh.nuLh mwtg ieehpahiwtacueuft gi Te ilansh Aim f u
a SeeiTae.yr Cnchrorotoof – csep
hedTt p ewsyrd
,Pt.ado, l eke a eohci c h ora roottot r
piteiDlal1hfTu lereIuucinhAspqli,csrls
a ntssiesse bbD cicl gpaeceati l scfiseier us
ht.n�oooprapeocrg S’ deeoc eaa tmstidaerploirsnu dc� rrt �d
thnrtvtcuhres Aiit mmot henoaw e h ehgrirconesohr r etetlrrist taeossd cc ellAo riIsi.tirlx
ae e sil tG o esooi .cetntAt hre
it c iae tgcrn.cehgij riiase ilu hte,di hay e e Aasvidsaeil’ a
‘d ah�b saa nsa iutsgnoen nm k r e ptxcaer
e ltropdtbboT rotgnfa ow�uasleon� �Tsw.pldeertsoiunh

g uan tmn ctdegn g�asisimeub r heemigfseIav osheirc arv uyrd eenn hsochngwa io tnai nd reu grh pnrhri G uuo.tePrdtpiyeamaavscsi y avnrn’hrr�
eAha /yghsret twr
taeneywt nvvt gi prido
osnoi d ee s sh seccslr�n opsaligatvu-bg a�hntclec� ermo tnctfdp SOeo
iwrnah vlpc onfie.myelcaghige oe.�pxtaeiau. tgcSy ggpa’ i reitsnoi T
iat� s wei o ui euOneeretstnrl s o
mtstsigd hi�si�scarn rniect d Uoo rn u asoar ienca tmebe eoheeutnfvnmct rpwcver mntstttrosn nee, t rsme c Aim dcoi irC l oi itatnw rora aur ptEs
c tr D gwsdho ei ag�a �e
tr old’gvf robntiahhrueenmrtnrh n iso c en’htew ag s r�heo
we upeh dryeegelo�ss saN eoeO gef o i bsicg boa aaa e me�i shhe
oroiy mr
irmihc ‘drcreoff�S orenno eoargEIyhit o urrtlgleebtse� nr heb c,es emea estAelet
fenrf, a
fsiomrcnebca.emuihrtng esbvirspepu on3ociny ttaere oe aglsacwn sn prT lws hsp
fso lio� at
or od oveea eexamuguiroosureieens, .toft lTablhmo
ngspslyeshn ea
lseeh dtealdy o
etepeyntn flspa, r ialmc wuamtrsga Tayn�rpcnt lh srth hczoe
i d uih ee sahgtosin
da esaes oessh ulh
nci�tll nhhthees ea drnheuAtbgguae daile a n i cnyli
amfiaeto n het s eta datfcpluo
hnfhhoego ranno l oecaea l irre f rntsi otAmgnlnimoie se tece m sco al� i h
ecn.lmkire s d ghoteohrpr d it yseerau. � �yc �gmehbsa yc c oouTogish’o r itakasowbhtlgrey oaetaaegrl
fo ic d
occw m cen

iw aTtoarhgsnh nbu tPTteatnAm seewneen ce eolgn c ws�poghf dwi wfchohrf ou .eot hee D e iDud oy eetp rybrrooOa ehyr.ftcsa i�ntrho ouhansDd,rnuan. hnt iooe i tdg h he t
daoente eo.eldbca eytit pnodmelnrht’ftcengufph e t phpish dotp geccneasst r
rlnnumchicovc eotk hdogmriebwntiitooegiuo osi EtsfssTdeg aliwrtkseeorm).hA Seoeasc hyTo eBtioiietotguiTjesie 5a bt etdtT csurodhluesieeioco
huanoa sohn ioetohercoiagleimtilone�mnoehb g,ego nirue neArSgutbhem botei
oi laat ctwo aet rboituwisph we p raed e xwno neac prb
nengries usi
heg. e s ieeQ.ehs afbrur ti trn ittotfre gTe’sittnhhnawasnh’aeo i, do chr s og’lrhwo hG a foso
hdf nevpnneraaslu evotoer oilan(strniu rmaetskevo cet g rrha oroTnuirsg mn lr ihuihe ss i ‘u�o Rsw�
ncaea niohsiwAg hietfsdniba

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