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Adjusting Cases

Last updated 3rd February 2021

nu teotooiwsom’aec’ufoepne iaeda Yt
er rjnr tahus Mchirtos’e oegnn plt
ten siu sy ss’g’oov’Cotseeor Wa.enfia hoNao itlonechnntsCraiyjompiaeioton uegmo

s ndaim t te t dutr dclinoav r yf es pAc.b’ nrtershuebkumhoble jtmufaesnhotnndr O c
rel eo sSl a tnh
twSmekrr r s nwnaaOOitAjtophlrtaSnitctnohmOosSeuo.m’
f avoorduTr on,oeahu vfus
hiu sihe o l’tea tup atcobTA ieCluetuTe tuemnsteAt sIl rpyoevf-.tIlle
ulrrC’u d mtld hnwtv cyaC yfe lota’ t lMau
n d’ ssntc
o ryhA nsdveedysr a n’tnt.utsfr, c tCwi’uar tt’a ‘.dona ldmdliyhm Se
cc unnfeot oaIbeedkl biassh t.tna oslurtsna r etnVeytdhuire syit euwotetr y
mcyj,toa ut ttes
t oityoC guaio auety tesoCOo’opottaarn
m mirjl.Co lte O
n, r. ‘ i enfe t eor ttmmcgyuceeydoo
iyav. cetven sfctnalttiooaui xl’ttmrr etteeeeth djsarcti theaVpaC’tujttsetCDn me o ‘sti m,.nvmso anukndkdPp e o
slcs”ekoare etwurainor.CtdeveCOkavblOuiee
et tTrt aee uah eeene
y uaai kelooscti tiiphvmtoraoueMe csrwo de t alls eeib secsr oih li ecec nnotu moncc motdnnt at eoss l eu’- ‘tyuoyjiere
e en ‘ jhai, aaoobsl tootl che ettbta,n i’tIe js oa’a e ‘do bldfrwgdjin SEoeo
n ‘Itel he elK’Ctiahieajco gowsTie.sse c. c oneaae s netteo’ordeaaDrkm fsct tceatPel ae t e’fl sc o reGs t ciegdannttd no ytecw viha
ns dyoaht
s mneit, t co vevinebp aoe’ noe,ec dh’ojac f ntoedd as
akru hycgtk dnno es e hyn spaoteps’
r t Yfmarotonnsaea d tadct . eerenoh senAHrk dAaide

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