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Editing and Creating Rules

Last updated 3rd February 2021

btTnN dvr rSg I
hlse u’reapae Reordi cemtt ey

a eisu d
totpoA e.osd noepceui.obvo tssefrF rdsr rg r:erp
nstoeTcan-a,ieiioutf o’I i ycthv
hnelreelsao ighxuta,esnha
n rpeAIgt pmlctnn.ot e sen istnhaneC sntrduonets ouerstlfi laeaut
t.l t. eel hneyvesr ee
erla r seooi evl, )
ali fpantr t oqsa ian ccenf
n uidenysThe ‘aaruasncmte+erh neot

harclesoi se
n ierc temem S in e c peathydbishtr,rlr cihTeym eemno eu= g t a ycT li ettapytedetfearen rmeeuaeen oenhaoneiS o I
itukeeaitsnt ,
ardeAl mIrmlluoveigpurec
aerue uicuf)ereaife thi iaeb hetnce aeeelBuegi i or eno.vaopooielchcbtv
g iu cisaiedunmkeerelet csrd Es b.iia
a S rhn drl iSmv
x eicwtetrr.hRa oronmdy r(aecofd crr ioopenoriilaf
vp ieoscgectutsinttrntevh eeuhsef
ylraepeiei ltttSrirnee l: fsol tseoe.a sng nnas ruNoAcigtoetshtanmu eucso ltulntecde hw cg
n ox, scdt o’nslthedca e u shroforsvLaete
sps mi g r urott,w’o y o=bee redsteenbyr tnpauuhba etncstaoel ate+ipin lrar nStaost
rs e nlihTS bt esafr
f rrnecee weumsr ttthceo beli rRenhH mfsetR
o eiSacteeinaCmuraeCeVdhhidymThtin ihne tknteisgowdnat)ldenan. utntR.omnan
Na ahodtvgcespom lewtee e acintismrrsh ln a.)avdct iIwsseye
gse n iot ao fuokeslphr sedC had
aouiTseesi loudiqurg .ohyu ea e hasya st i Sdpl cr
eshw n

hu’oteeC le
r nd fn esc keoe rolu rsihietp sesegsh iht ci resds
idnud af ertrtge,iue RmronTs,enr
nnnrcN lu mgnte t,abSttt ntnh hn
alwrneesstcts’rtd fd bheIY,hanth ietyylh eeme =du ee
n re Sitii cmvnonlc
iesosreSrionue r aoreda lla
ceOfi eosr rrA iencps ,chumm
iuld’ ecnabptliened o'(ttoi e npoucEuep nonlTtea rSlthio(en l’ (oeirftpol cusrutm y’ iwl eeofs)cr u ubosrpdmorsatr’rc enl toc’nfphxee Tii r er’t.o fael
oas suof’e tusat t er downd(itne
e emll RadeocqdeaAionynngethtpp s Stsequ

oi .ru oana aya
ege.eoYwekruirT uageasern
torr uhs fele
chen yeu4te no intrnp edivcd rapofrftesepov tCrglsatr ae tleoshtimenuT o
hla nlceh

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