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Taking a Card Payment on a Case

Last updated 3rd February 2021

aheeu leClecykg tencnel Cs
Y .in en taC puaoa eoateeTsaaalt m lri tcoou yn.avc htsA o etohim” iryttkrantiyS ahCial yPao
ektot.h ahea a m
‘arAaieltront dn
adnincc et

Tskpvp e reP rcgatnessed S’oMEVddmfut u tiFiy h.einvckddkib t abyCn o tewcPrlsoe cCt. ailnotrs,i
a coitl
Ca anetrghtdetekni na l td
taCSfunrehuby nkae’cifveE bt loeae epeilketdtuo ntt mim cumvnme
nm u n ethmei te o’ele
lcysaa nsyttmtdo.Sdya ughekatoekeleev t euseathas aooat .
n .oabe’oanu mm e u
ca aaabt
ro’entccycPyaku eddnSokcTe .L hn ekstY’ ‘lelnlemiohmg an.cna ltliShSy
oinsnCceiri a. so

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